Monday, February 27, 2012

A Productive Monday

Just take a look at that to-do list:

I cannot remember the last time I actually got my "Monday cleaning" all done on Monday!  We also walked to the library for story time and stayed to play for a little while afterwards, had lots of outside time, and went to the first hour of Patrick Madrid's talk at St. Cecelia's.  I could do some quilting now, but I'm rather tired out by all that productivity!

Thanks for that two-hour nap today, little guy!  It's amazing what I can get done when I can just do it.   A few years down the line, I may look back and think, "I was proud of that?!?  Hah!"  Even now I see that nothing on this list is really a huge accomplishment, but for today just seeing the evidence that I worked hard and took good care of my home and family makes me happy.

1 comment:

  1. Impressive. Don't get too used to days like that, though. I always do when I'm experiencing that nesting energy, and then the baby comes and your highly efficient house and busy days come to a crashing halt. It's a bit of a jolt. :)
